
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Mrs. Moore Is A Gift To Shut-Ins

What did the world do before Amy Sedaris taught the depressed, sickly, and downtrodden the gentle art of crafting? They turned to Mrs. Alice Moore who made it her living to visit shut-ins to teach them crafts that would hasten them along the rocky road to recovery. Mrs. Moore's expertise included simple basketry, cloth weaving, bookbinding, wood carving, linoleum cutting, jewelry making, and woolly toy animals. Mrs. Moore can be sent to ailing friends in lieu of flowers or other gifts. 'When this is done she walks into the sickroom with her cheery smile, and, for fun, an attractive gift card of her own design dangling from her lapel.' Mrs. Moore is a fun gift not just for the female shut-in, but 'recuperating youngsters and menfolk' also benefit from her services because both are known for becoming difficult when they're nearly well.

[Article from Woman's Home Companion (March 1948) - Article by Sarah Lindsay and illustration by James Valenti - Click image for enlarged scan!]

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